Ice Performance - Jigsaw Solutions - Paul White

Comprehensive Lifestyle Assessment

Client Service
Crystal Clear Charging Structure
Collaborate With Specialists
What We Aim To Achieve For Our Clients
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A conventional financial adviser would complete a fact find which constitutes a set of facts and figures that relate to a broad spectrum of areas of financial planning. The time spent on the fact find is normally offered at the beginning of the process and constitutes a small percentage of the adviser’s fee time with you. Jigsaw Solutions places greater emphasis on this stage of the process within its financial and lifestyle planning proposition.

What makes Jigsaw Solutions different?

Paul White, Jigsaw Solutions, Financial Planner No transactional or investment management and research time is conducted by Jigsaw Solutions. This ensures that Jigsaw Solution's time is focused and concentrated on establishing all the facts surrounding our Client's financial, past, present and future objectives. Like Sir David Brailsford says it is about marginal gain. At Jigsaw Solutions we have over 30 year's experience in conducting operations in extreme environments. This has taught us that if you do not do the analysis, research and then review your situation then people’s lives will be put at risk. We deliver the same ethos for our Financial Services Clients. Without a comprehensive lifestyle assessment at the beginning, the specialist will not be able to recommend the right solution.

Ask yourself a simple question. Could a GP fulfil the role of: Family Doctor, Surgeon, Heart Specialist and After Care Specialist? You would not expect your local GP to perform Open Heart Surgery on you likewise, why would you expect your financial adviser to be an expert on all areas of your financial future.

Jigsaw Solutions concentrate on “Knowing Their Client” and with that in depth knowledge delivering a comprehensive report to the chosen specialist(s) to ensure that the most rigorous process has been conducted to deliver a bespoke and client specific solution every time. This is also reflected in the charging structure as with Jigsaw Solutions all adviser based charges are stripped out and in its place there is a crystal clear breakdown of charge versus time spent to arrive at the solution.

Clients should ask their existing adviser what the Total Expense Ratio of their investment is in Cold Hard Currency. Then ask Jigsaw Solutions for a Total Expense Ratio for the same investment. The answer will require no explanation.

Please note: “For Investments we act as introducers only”

ICE Financial Business Model

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