Ice Performance - Jigsaw Solutions - Paul White

Client Service

Crystal Clear Charging Structure
Comprehensive Lifestyle Assessment
Collaborate With Specialists
What We Aim To Achieve For Our Clients
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Paul White, Jigsaw Solutions, Financial Planner Jigsaw Solutions provides the right strategy for you to reach your personal and corporate objectives which are imperative when it comes to financial planning and lifestyle goals. The journey of success at Jigsaw Solutions is driven by analysis of the facts and figures.

In practice few financial planners devote enough time to produce a fundamental and comprehensive lifestyle analysis that ensures a sound financial future for your family and business. This is why we have formulated a business model that reflects the care and service offered by your health GP and provides a comprehensive analysis to enable collaboration with specialists in the field of need or demand to give you as our clients a refined and focused choice of professional advice to attain the best results.

While others are attempting to provide a holistic approach to financial planning commonly known as a Financial Adviser, Jigsaw Solutions is solely focused on the three key areas above in its ethos of providing client service. This has already proved dynamic and highly effective in guiding clients to the heart of specialist advice combined with an enhanced infrastructure which can cope with identifying the marginal gains needed to succeed.

With Paul’s huge experience in extreme environments and working under pressure he has become a master of attention to detail and achieving marginal gains for his clients.

Please note: “For Investments we act as introducers only”

Paul White, Jigsaw Solutions, ICE Client Service Model

ICE Financial Business Model

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