Ice Performance - Jigsaw Solutions - Paul White


Performance Product Development
Mind and Motivational Management
ICE Performance Team

Paul has defined the objectives and field of expertise of ICE Performance to focus purely on endurance and adventure based activities. He has a pioneering attitude and a determination to push the boundaries of performance in extreme conditions. Endurance athletes do not understand the word "can’t" and continue to improvise until a better solution is delivered to the table.

Jigsaw Solutions - Paul White - Ice - Performance ICE Performance divides individual areas of endurance sports and collaborates with specialists to break personal records and achieve in all environments. By concentrating on three key areas MIND, BODY and SPIRIT, Paul focuses on over 200 individual indicators to ensure advancements in development and performance.

Paul’s knowledge comes from years of firsthand experience. He was involved in the pioneering stages of sports such as triathlon, adventure racing, Atlantic rowing and desert rallying. With determination and a will to succeed, Paul has recorded achievements in performance product development and mind and motivational management. The ICE Performance Team now offers young people the knowledge and experience gained over 30 years in all areas of challenge preparation, management, finance, media, employment and aspirational development.

This website was created and is hosted by Phil Guy