Ice Performance - Jigsaw Solutions - Paul White

Mind and Motivational Management

Performance Product Development
ICE Performance Team
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Mind Management allows you to reach your full potential by using the most powerful tool you own. Endurance athletes and adventurers continually walk out of their comfort zone and challenge themselves in extreme environments. This is a long way away from the normal day to day life that most people are familiar with. ICE resources these people with the knowledge and experience of achievers in all facets of adventure. By working with people with common goals it allows the athlete's thought process in planning their adventure to be focused and real. Most records are being broken by younger and younger people and this trend will continue with advancements in equipment and technology. By collaborating with experienced people young adventurers can short circuit their attainment rate and arrive at their objective quicker.

Equipment allows a broader range of participants to take on a challenge. However the dangers are still unpredictable. At ICE we are now mentoring potential young participants in all areas of adventure by challenging their preparation and mind set. By drawing on patterns of achievement we can discipline and activate their minds to focus on the challenge in its entirety rather than on a vision of being the youngest or the fastest. We zero out naivety in their preparation and mind map their objectives.

By nature adventurers and endurance athletes are single minded, driven individuals with a do or die mentality. By gaining mutual respect early on in the process we can communicate improvements quickly in the team or individuals development.

Paul thrives on sorting things out. However these types of projects are like being given a grenade with the pin out. You are either going to calmly find a solution and re-engage the pin or it is going to blow up in your face. These types of challenges are always missing one crucial ingredient which could explode in one’s face but, by working with a very professional and experienced team the person who stands on the podium of success understands and respects the contribution made by others. This is where a balance of assertiveness, passion, knowledge and focused resource ensures a safe and deliverable outcome.

Paul White, Jigsaw Solutions, ICE TEam Mind Map

This website was created and is hosted by Phil Guy