Ice Performance - Jigsaw Solutions - Paul White

Media Highlights

Below you can find links to various media snippets.

"Mark Webber has only one standard and my time on the Mark Webber Challenge ensured that I not only maintained these standards but carried them on to other projects throughout my journey."

Paul White, ICE, Adventure, Icefall

Alex Staniforth Youngest British climber to attempt Everest in 2014/15 and author of ICEFALL says in his book
"Paul White from Plymouth, a financial and adventure sports consultant knew his stuff, having worked with the likes of Formula One driver Mark Webber, and now wanted to focus his efforts on helping young people. He offered his expertise to help me reach my goal specifically to take care of sponsorship so I could focus on preparation."

A 21st century adventure challenge for 21st century success Paul White, ICE, Adventure, CBI
Click on the image above to see the full page from the media centre of the CBI website July 2013 Case Study or view a printable pdf version here , you can also visit my web page to see videos and photographs of the BCS United Learning ICE Adventure Challenge 2013 by following the link here.


Paul White, ICE, Adventure, Race2Recovery

This page entitled "Personal Training" was in the book "Race2Recovery Beyond Injury, Achieving The Extraordinary" (published by Haynes Publishing and FirstStep Publishing, 2013) telling the amazing exploits of a team made up primarily from injured and disabled British and US Servicemen who give themselves the seemingly impossible goal of being the first disabled team to complete the World's toughest motorsport event, the Dakar Rally. I am humbled before their incredible personal achievements and extremely proud to have played a part in the team that made it into history and the record books. Click on the image above to see the page from the book or you can see more information and a video by following the link here to my web page.

Queensgate Rowers

Paul White, ICE, Adventure, Queensgate Atlantic Row

Oar-Some The World’s first four–man crew ever to row any ocean.

This book written by Jennifer Brumham and published by Oar 4 Won tells the awesome achievement by the Queensgate Rowers, most of it in their own words through diary entries.

"Paul was a latecomer to our project – employed by Queensgate to help us meet our two objectives. He did more for us media wise, than all of us put together, in the previous five months".

"Because we were so wrapped up in our own thoughts we neglected to appreciate what Paul achieved for us, and he really needs to be thanked".

"Many thanks, Paul.  You helped us more that we appreciated.  You might have thought that it went unnoticed - it didn't."

Visit my web page to find out more by following the link here.

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